Facebook Lite 123 | Modus Facebook Lite [2016 Januari PS 28]

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Pesan Facebook Lite 123 | Modus Facebook Lite [PS 28 Januari 2016] Bagaimanalag menjadi orang pertama.

Singapura ke HK

Why I Didn’t Turn My Facebook Profile French

The scenes I saw online covering the attacks in Paris reminded me of the faces I saw in Boston.

I arrived the night the two brothers were identified on Twitter; when the manhunt for the marathon bombers officially kicked off. I left Harvard’s Chemistry Building a minute after Harvard went on official lockdown. I strolled down deserted Cambridge streets alongside a friend on his bike laughing and carefree, completely unaware of the fact we were ten minutes ahead of the brothers on their way to Watertown. I lay awake on his sofa for the majority of the night listening to police scanners, gun shots, and other fearsome noises emanating from a mere mile away.

When I left Boston, once the brothers were caught, once lockdown was lifted and the city reawakened, I caught the T back to the bus station. The train stopped between stations unexpectedly. Fear levels skyrocketed. There is a face people make in terror; there is a desperate smile which begs not to be killed. “I will be your friend,” it seems to say. “Please don’t kill me, I have a family. I will be missed. I’m not ready to die yet.”

When I watch the images flooding out of Paris this weekend, I see that fear filling our televisions, and powering our solidarity. It’s the fear that reminds us we’re all human. Despite this, I still cannot change my profile photo to the tricolour flag. Initially, I think my guttural distaste came from the tackiness; this is an easy fad. It’s the waving of the flag. It’s an instinctual, knee-jerk reaction of tit-for-tat. ISIS, whomever they may be, are killing for an idea. We are reacting in ignorance. Even if I were to put a pin in the arguments surrounding the rest of the world this weekend: Japan, Beruit, Kenya, Syria… mindless deaths that are as worthy of social media interest, I would still not paint my profile photo with the French flag. It is, in the words of the Independent, “Paint-by-numbers solidarity when it’s foisted on you by one of the most powerful companies in the world (and it) is simply not the way to help a traumatised nation in shock after murder.” How we help a traumatised nation is never actually decided, but I do think the point which links this foistation to that of ISIS publicly propagating itself through social media is one worth pondering.

Tricolour profiles is the Western band-aid. It makes the Western hemisphere feel better; they’ve helped, they’ve shown support, they’ve mourned the possibility of their own homes under attack, all from the safe distance of behind their computer screens. They eliminate the helplessness one feels when one watches those fearful smiles, be they on their television screen or reflected back at them in their mirrors.

As more reports of more attacks and possible bomb threats (one, incidentally at Harvard ) scatter their way across our news feeds, perhaps our band-aid is necessary to hold us together as we watch our world burn.

But, it does not excuse our ignorance with regards to immigration, to Islamophobia, or to the Syrian civilian casualties we pretend do not exist. It does not allow us to enter a gun fight with knives. ISIS is an idea. You can’t bomb an idea. You could wipe out the entire Eastern side of the globe and that idea would still exist. Bombs are futile. Why are we not questioning what it is they really hate about the West and tackling that? Why are we not investigating further what incites people to become radicalized —what is so attractive about their idea? Is it the sense of purpose? Something is playing into a very human desire somewhere — is it power? Is it responsibility? What is it that makes us so determined to see ourselves as good—what if we’re not? One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter after all. That is not to excuse the atrocities currently overpowering our news stations, but it is to try and combat the problem calmly from a place of the peace we are trying to achieve.  I don’t know the answer to these questions. I just think it would be a slightly more productive use of our time than banning “anyone from the Islamic faith” from your store. You want to “put your country first?” Don’t give into the bullies.

Tonight, as I write this, I am not just praying for Paris. Nor am I just praying for those lost in the bowels of Mark Zuckerberg’s empire, hoping that a tricolor filter will keep ISIS from their own door “Not in my backyard, Sir!” I am praying for every single one of those fearful smiles that will haunt my dreams, and the realization that the world as we know it, shall never be quite the same again.

(Image credit: Jean Jullien)

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Facebook Lite 123 | Facebook Lite Modus v1. [PS 10 September 2015]

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Kirim ke Facebook Lite 123 | Mode Facebook Lite v1. [PS September 10, 2015] Bagaimanalag orang pertama Itu.

pengeluar yang Togel HONG KONG 2010

Sejak blog saya di Facebook mr.ıreland kerja.

Ini adalah Chris J. Irlandia dan Anda bisa mendapatkannya didekati oleh seseorang yang disebut orang hanya peringatan, terutama tarik penghapusan dan dunia hiburan, harus menjadi perusahaan, “SCOTBOYS” (dan banyak jenis lain dari gejala dan terkait “kerja”) – Hindari seperti wabah !

Agar tidak mengubah fitnah, hanya Anda menawarkan kami beberapa fakta.

– CHRIS Irlandia dihukum penipu dan senang untuk menghabiskan satu tahun Lizzy HMP Perth 2012 (http://www.scotsman.com/news/scotland/top-stories/conman-is-jailed-after-admitting-50-000-fraud-1-2219918).

– tahanan sebagai pribadi, direktur perusahaan harus, tapi “Scotboys PLC” dan beberapa spesies lainnya terdaftar sebagai “bisnis yang relevan

-.” Scotboys PLC “PLC terdaftar, tapi tidak memenuhi persyaratan hukum Sejauh & amp; amp seperti yang Anda tahu, menjadi perusahaan terbatas publik; nbsp; Mari mr.ıreland membuktikan saya salah

– mr.ıreland ada kegiatan. pementasan telah pengalaman (lagi membuktikan bahwa tidak seperti) & amp;. amp, nbsp;.. Pengalamannya tempat (lihat artikel) dan amp mengambil uang dari acara berkisar nbsp; Di masa lalu, tahun ini, mengklaim mereka mengadakan Australia Scotboys tur (yang dari catatan kriminal Saya tidak tahu bagaimana satu tahun untuk Oz berakhir) & amp;. nbsp;. nbsp; Meskipun tidak ada bukti duduk dilindungi, tidak ada bukti atau Penjualan Tiket & amp yang pernah dibuat setiap saat ditampilkan; amp memiliki Scotboys salah satu komentator direncanakan halaman Facebook ulasan ini (https : Telusuri //www.facebook.com/officialscotboys sk = komentar):

“Ini adalah penipuan. Jika Anda tidak percaya mencari Chris Irlandia dan Skotlandia. Google. Dihukum penipuan artis. Aswel sudah mencoba tur dunia mereka di 5 orang co Australia. Sydney telah membayar Anda terbang kita untuk akhir setiap properti dan menelepon polisi. Bahkan mengatakan bahwa bintang satu. “

– Karena saya seseorang yang memiliki pengalaman di bidang ini, mr.ıreland sekarang ide untuk mencoba untuk merencanakan tur di Inggris di tempat-tempat seperti NEC, Murrayfields Arena dan Manchester sebenarnya (saya konyol bodoh dan sangat, a) saya Saya hanya tidak percaya padanya, dan b) aku tahu aku tidak akan apa itu – untuk membuktikan saya salah, Chrissy Boy) & amp;!. nbsp; mereka tidak cocok menunjukkan striptis laki-laki, maka tidak ada cara untuk menggantikan mereka tempat & amp;. nbsp; nbsp; !!! & amp; amp sebelum tiba di arena nasional, Duck; amp; Dia benar-benar Man Kerja atau Dog & amp; Anda harus mencoba untuk amp selesai masih saja pria atau artis lain, mereka mempekerjakan tidak daftar lagu dan kostum nbsp;. o sebagai pementasan & amp; Gamble berencana bahwa Good luck menemukan setiap seniman murni melakukan untuk Anda

– Akhirnya, itu tidak relevan, mr.ıreland dikelola oleh banyak orang kesan bahwa perusahaannya dan di departemen yang berbeda & amp!; Sons berisi nomor nbsp;. Nya “bekerja”, semua Dundee adalah langkah yang sangat buruk pada sendiri blok apartemen kecil mereka di depan lantai ruang perakitan lusuh. & Amp; Gamble; Nbsp; James Caan New Bond Street ditutup lemari untuk memulai bisnis Anda sendiri, mereka semua baik, tapi tidak cukup ledakan cream pie dasar kebingungan, itu agak ramping!

Selain fakta bahwa Chris adalah seorang anak yang baik. & Amp; Gamble; nbsp; Kristus, itu tidak.
